Have you recently been involved in an accident?


Unfortunately, some accidents are unavoidable. It could be bad weather, bad luck, or the pure lack of awareness from the other individual involved. Reality is that most accidents could be avoided if proper caution and care was used. For victims, and the families of victims who were involved in an accident in Las Vegas, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the situation and become confused.

While an important process, this is not always a simple one. Especially for someone who has never dealt with the process before, it can be easy to fall prey to common mistakes. Hiring the right Las Vegas personal injury lawyer becomes one of the most important decisions to make at this stage. Not only will you be suffering with the physical pain of an injury, but you will likely also be dealing with emotional trauma and the financial burden that can come from medical bills, lost wages, and in wrongful death cases … the expense of a funeral. This comes the time when it’s important to pay attention to EVERY step of your case if you decide to file a personal injury claim. By pursuing such a case, the liable parties can be held responsible for their fault in the accident.

Common mistakes regarding PI claims include:

  • A failure to document the accident scene
  • Failing to seek medical attention
  • Giving statements without legal assistance on your side
  • Applying for damages that have not comprehensively been outlined in medical records or outright refusing to follow through with the treatment advised by a medical professional

While all of these are mistakes that should be avoided at all costs to give you the best chance of success in your claim, there is one that is even more dangerous.

Finding A Professional Lawyer

One of the largest mistakes commonly made, and the one can cause the most damage to your case, is making the decision that you do not need professional legal representation. While it could be tempting to deal with an injury claim on your own, dealing with insurance companies without legal aid can be difficult and, in many cases, outright impossible. The attorneys at G. Dallas Horton and Associates offer a free initial consultation about your case. Your claim could be denied, delayed or settled for a much lower numeric value than you actually require. Having an expert lawyer is an easy way to defend your rights, and ensure the best possible outcome.

Insurance companies are much more willing to take you seriously if they see you are being represented by a heavyweight lawyer like G. Dallas Horton, and could be much more open for settlement.