Truck accidents can be devastating, leaving victims grappling with life-altering injuries, financial burdens, and emotional trauma. The complexities of truck accident cases, often involving multiple parties and intricate insurance regulations, can make pursuing justice a daunting task. Seeking guidance from experienced legal counsel is paramount to protecting your rights and receiving the compensation you deserve.

At Dallas Horton & Associates, our team of dedicated personal injury attorneys understands the unique challenges truck accident victims face in Las Vegas. We are committed to providing comprehensive legal representation tailored to each client's needs. Our expertise extends to all aspects of truck accident litigation.

Winning a Truck Accident Case

Truck accidents can be devastating, causing serious injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. If you have been involved in a truck accident, it is important to understand your legal options and take steps to protect your rights. Here are some tips on how to win your truck accident case:

Call the Law Enforcers

In Nevada, NRS 484E.020 requires you to call the police after a car accident if any of the following conditions apply:

  • One of the vehicles involved in the accident is a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more, regardless of its load.
  • The accident resulted in death or personal injury that requires medical attention beyond first aid.
  • The accident caused visible property damage to any vehicles involved for $1,000 or more.

Since a truck accident meets the above criteria, you must report the accident to the nearest law enforcement agency.

Cooperating with the police investigation is crucial for ensuring the incident is thoroughly documented, the cause is accurately determined, and any responsible parties are held accountable. However, cooperation should not come at the expense of self-protection.

While it is important to cooperate with the police, it's equally important to avoid admitting fault or apologizing at the accident scene. Admitting fault can have serious legal implications, potentially weakening your personal injury claim or even making you liable for the accident. Instead, focus on providing a factual account of the events without making self-incriminating statements.

Gather Information Linked to the Accident

Thorough accident documentation provides a solid foundation for your personal injury claim. It establishes the details of the incident, identifies potentially liable parties, and supports the extent of your injuries and damages.

The key information to gather includes:

  • Contact Information. Exchange contact information with the other driver(s) involved, including names, addresses, and phone numbers. Obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses.
  • Insurance Details. Gather insurance information from all parties, including policy numbers and contact information.
  • Police Report. Obtain a copy of the police report containing details of the accident, witness statements, and officer observations.
  • Medical Records. Collect all medical records of your injuries, including doctor's notes, treatment plans, and bills.
  • Lost Wages Documentation. Gather documentation of lost wages, such as pay stubs, time off requests, or employer statements.
  • Other Relevant Documents. Collect other relevant documents supporting your claim, such as receipts for property damage or repair estimates.

Seek Medical Attention

The adrenaline rush following an accident can mask the presence of underlying injuries. Seeking medical attention promptly allows for a thorough examination to detect any internal bleeding, soft tissue damage, or other concealed injuries that may not immediately manifest. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications and promote healing.

You can document your injuries if you seek immediate treatment after a truck accident. Medical records serve as vital documentation of the extent and severity of your injuries. A doctor's assessment provides tangible evidence to support your personal injury claim, establishing a clear link between the accident and the injuries sustained. This documentation is crucial for negotiating with insurance companies and, if necessary, pursuing legal action.

A doctor's assessment can determine whether the injuries are consistent with the impact and mechanisms of the accident, providing strong evidence that the accident was the direct cause of your injuries. When you use the records as evidence in court, the likelihood of a favorable outcome in your case is increased.

Gather Evidence At The Scene Of The Accident

After a truck accident, the adrenaline rush and shock of the incident can make it difficult to think clearly. However, gathering evidence at the accident scene is crucial, as this information can be invaluable in supporting your personal injury claim.

Take photographs of the damage done to both vehicles involved in the accident. This will help establish the impact's severity and provide evidence of how the accident occurred. Take photos from multiple angles and include close-ups of any major damage. You also want to take images of the skid marks and the surroundings.

Gather Witness Contact Information

Gathering witness information is often overlooked amidst the chaos and confusion after truck accidents. However, securing firsthand accounts from individuals who witnessed the incident can be crucial in building a strong personal injury claim.

Witness accounts provide valuable, objective perspectives on the events leading up to the accident, helping to corroborate the victim's narrative and establish the cause of the collision. Their observations can shed light on factors such as driver behavior, road conditions, and the events that unfolded.

Witnesses can be individuals directly involved in the accident, such as passengers in the involved vehicles or bystanders who observed the collision from proximity. It's important to approach potential witnesses calmly and politely, explaining that their observations could help determine the cause of the accident.

Avoid Sharing Your Injury Information on Social Media

In the age of social media, it has become instinctive to share our lives online, including details of our experiences, both positive and negative. However, when it comes to personal injury claims, sharing information about your injuries on social media can pose significant risks and potentially jeopardize your case.

Insurance companies and defense attorneys are increasingly monitoring social media platforms to gather information about claimants. Posts, photos, and comments can be misinterpreted or used against you to discredit your claim. For instance, seemingly innocuous posts about your activities or physical condition may be used to suggest that your injuries are not as severe as you claim.

Sharing personal details about your injuries on social media can compromise your privacy and make you vulnerable to unwanted attention. This information could be used to identify you, track your whereabouts, or even harass you.

Contact an Attorney

In the aftermath of a devastating truck accident, navigating the justice system can be overwhelming and daunting. Amidst the physical and emotional trauma, the task of seeking justice and obtaining fair compensation can seem impossible. This is where the expertise and guidance of a seasoned truck accident attorney prove invaluable.

Truck accident cases often involve intricate legal complexities, multiple parties, and stringent insurance regulations. Engaging an experienced attorney ensures that your rights are protected, your case is handled effectively, and you receive the compensation you deserve.

A skilled truck accident attorney plays a multifaceted role in your pursuit of justice:

  • Insurance Negotiations. With their vast resources and expertise in minimizing payouts, insurance companies can be formidable opponents in a truck accident case. Navigating these negotiations without legal representation can be daunting, leaving victims vulnerable to lowball offers and unfair settlements. However, an experienced truck accident attorney is pivotal in assertively negotiating with insurance companies to secure maximum compensation for their clients' injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.
  • Thorough Investigation. In the aftermath of a truck accident, establishing the cause of the incident and identifying the liable parties is paramount to securing justice and obtaining fair compensation. This is where the meticulous efforts of an experienced truck accident attorney come into play. They conduct a comprehensive investigation, delving into every aspect of the accident to uncover the truth and build a strong case for their client.
  • Evidence Gathering. In pursuing justice and fair compensation following a truck accident, evidence plays a pivotal role in establishing the cause of the incident, identifying liable parties, and substantiating the extent of the victim's injuries. Experienced truck accident attorneys recognize the significance of the evidence and meticulously gather and preserve all relevant materials to support their client's claim.

What Is Negligence Under Nevada Personal Injury Law?

In Nevada, negligence is the legal foundation for most personal injury lawsuits, including those arising from truck accidents. Negligence is a failure to exercise the degree of care a reasonable person would exercise under the same or similar circumstances.

In truck accidents, a truck driver or trucking company may be liable for negligence if they fail to act with the care that a reasonable truck driver or trucking company would have exercised to prevent the accident.

Proving Fault in a Truck Accident

To establish negligence in a truck accident case, the plaintiff must prove the following four elements:

  1. Duty of Care

The duty of care is fundamental in personal injury law, particularly truck accident cases. It establishes a legal obligation for truck drivers and trucking companies to exercise reasonable care to avoid causing harm to others.

The concept of duty of care is rooted in the notions of fairness and social responsibility. It holds individuals and entities responsible for their actions and potential impact on others. In the context of truck accidents, the duty of care compels truck drivers and trucking companies to operate their vehicles safely and adhere to established safety standards to minimize the risk of harm to others.

The duty of care consists of three key elements that must be established to hold a truck driver or trucking company liable for negligence in a personal injury lawsuit:

  • Legal Relationship. The relationship between the parties involved in the accident determines the level of care required. For instance, a truck driver owes a higher duty of care to passengers and other road users than to property owners along the route.
  • Reasonable Person Standard. The duty of care is measured against the standard of a reasonable person acting under the same or similar circumstances. This means that a truck driver or trucking company must exercise the same level of care that a prudent and cautious individual would under the same conditions.
  • Foreseeable Risks. The truck driver or trucking company must take reasonable steps to mitigate the foreseeable risks of operating a commercial vehicle. This includes weather conditions, traffic patterns, and vehicle maintenance.

Breach of Duty

Breach of duty is crucial in personal injury lawsuits, particularly in truck accident cases. It establishes that the defendant failed to exercise the reasonable care expected of them, thereby causing harm to the plaintiff.

A breach of duty occurs when a truck driver or trucking company fails to meet the standard of care expected of them, as determined by the reasonable person standard. This standard is measured against what a prudent and cautious person would do under similar circumstances.

Various factors can indicate that a truck driver or trucking company has breached their duty of care:

  • Distracted Driving. Engaging in activities that divert the driver's attention, such as using a handheld device or eating while operating a truck, can significantly impair their ability to drive safely.
  • Speeding. Exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the prevailing conditions can make it difficult for the driver to control the truck and react to unexpected situations.
  • Following Too Closely. Maintaining an insufficient following distance can increase the risk of rear-end collisions, especially in sudden braking or evasive maneuvers.
  • Fatigue. Working long hours and lack of adequate rest can impair the driver's concentration, judgment, and reaction time, leading to accidents.
  • Improper Loading. Improperly loaded or balanced cargo can cause the truck to become unstable, leading to jackknifing or rollover accidents.
  • Mechanical Failure. Failure to maintain the truck's brakes, tires, steering, and other components can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Negligent Hiring and Training. Hiring drivers who lack proper training or experience or failing to provide adequate training or supervision can contribute to accidents.


Proximate cause, also known as legal cause or cause-in-fact, establishes that the defendant's negligence was the direct and foreseeable cause of the plaintiff's injuries. Proximate cause is often confused with legal cause or actual cause. While both terms refer to the connection between the defendant's actions and the plaintiff's injuries, they have distinct meanings.

Legal cause simply means that the defendant's actions were a necessary condition for the plaintiff's injuries. However, proximate cause requires a more specific connection, establishing that the defendant's actions were not only a necessary cause but also a foreseeable and direct cause of the plaintiff's injuries.

To establish proximate cause in a truck accident case, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant's breach of duty was the direct and foreseeable cause of their injuries. This involves proving the following elements:

  • Actual Cause. The defendant's negligence was a necessary condition for the plaintiff's injuries.
  • Foreseeability. The defendant should have reasonably foreseen that their actions could lead to the plaintiff's injuries.
  • Direct Cause. The defendant's actions were the immediate and proximate cause of the plaintiff's injuries, and there was no intervening or superseding cause.


Damages, also known as compensation or injury remedies, are crucial to personal injury lawsuits, particularly in truck accident cases. They represent the financial compensation awarded to the plaintiff for the injuries sustained due to the defendant's negligence.

In truck accident cases, damages can be categorized into two main types: economic and non-economic.

  1. Economic Damages

Economic damages, tangible or quantifiable damages, represent the financial losses directly incurred due to a truck accident. They are typically easier to calculate and quantify than non-economic damages, encompassing the injuries' emotional and psychological impact.

  • Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are the most significant and easily documented component of economic damages in truck accident cases. They encompass the costs of treating the plaintiff's injuries, including hospital bills, doctor’s fees, prescription drugs, physical therapy, or assistive devices.

  • Lost Wages

Lost wages represent the plaintiff's financial loss due to their inability to work due to their injuries. This includes both current and future lost wages.

  1. Current Lost Wages - The income the plaintiff is currently not earning due to their temporary or permanent inability to work. This may require documentation of employment history, pay stubs, and job offers lost due to the injuries.
  2. Future Lost Wages - The projected loss of income the plaintiff will likely experience due to their injuries. This requires expert testimony from vocational experts or economists to estimate the plaintiff's earning capacity based on age, education, skills, and experience.
  • Property Damage

Property damage encompasses the costs of repairing or replacing damaged property due to the truck accident. This includes:

  • Vehicle Damage. The cost of repairing or replacing the plaintiff's car or other vehicles damaged in the accident.
  • Personal Belongings. The cost of replacing damaged or destroyed personal belongings, such as clothing, electronics, or household items.
  • Home Damage. The cost of repairing or replacing damaged property in the plaintiff's home, such as furniture, appliances, or fixtures.
  1. Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are intangible or sentimental damages. They represent the emotional and psychological harm suffered by the plaintiff as a result of the truck accident. They are typically more challenging to quantify than economic damages, as they involve subjective experiences and feelings.

  • Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering encompasses the physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish the plaintiff experiences as a result of their injuries. It includes the following:

  • Physical Pain - The physical discomfort, aches, and chronic pain caused by the injuries.
  • Emotional Distress - The psychological trauma, anxiety, and fear associated with the injuries, medical treatments, and the ongoing impact on the plaintiff's life.
  • Mental Anguish - The emotional suffering, frustration, and depression caused by the inability to function normally and enjoy life's activities.
  • Emotional Distress

Emotional distress refers to the psychological trauma, anxiety, and fear experienced by the plaintiff beyond the immediate physical pain caused by the injuries. It includes:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - The development of PTSD, which can manifest in flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and avoidance of triggers related to the accident.
  • Anxiety Disorders - The onset or worsening of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder, due to the trauma of the accident.
  • Depression - The development or worsening of depression, characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Loss of enjoyment of life encompasses the diminished quality of life experienced by the plaintiff due to their injuries. It includes:

  • Reduced Mobility: The inability to participate in physical activities, travel, or social events due to physical limitations.
  • Occupational Restrictions: The inability to engage in previous employment or pursue career aspirations due to the injuries.
  • Relationship Strain: Tensions and conflicts in personal relationships due to the emotional and physical impact of the injuries.
  • Emotional Isolation: Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and social withdrawal due to the inability to participate in activities with friends and family.

Comparative Negligence

In Nevada, the law of comparative negligence applies in personal injury cases. This means that the plaintiff's damages may be reduced if they are found to have been partially at fault for the accident. The extent of the reduction is based on the percentage of fault assigned to each party. For instance, if the plaintiff is found to be 20% at fault, their damages will be reduced by 20%.

In a truck accident case, each party's percentage of fault is determined based on their actions and the factors that contributed to the accident. This may involve analyzing factors such as driver negligence, truck company negligence, or plaintiff’s negligence.

Once the percentage of fault is assigned, the plaintiff's recoverable damages are reduced accordingly. For instance, if the plaintiff is found to be 20% at fault and suffered $10,000 in damages, their recoverable damages would be reduced to $8,000.

Under Nevada's modified comparative negligence system, the plaintiff is not barred from recovering damages unless they are more than 50% at fault for the accident. This means that even if the plaintiff is found to be 49% at fault, they can still recover all their damages.

Find a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

The aftermath of a truck accident can be overwhelming, leaving victims struggling to navigate the legal system while managing their injuries and rebuilding their lives. At Dallas Horton & Associates, we believe you should not face this challenge alone. Our compassionate team is here to guide you through every step of the legal process, ensuring your rights are upheld, and you receive the justice you deserve.

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Las Vegas, contact Dallas Horton & Associates for a complimentary consultation. Our experienced attorneys will assess your case, explain your legal options, and answer any questions you may have. Together, we will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at 702-820-5917 and take the first step towards reclaiming your life.